Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yes Virginia there is a Hard Copy!

Regardless of wether you are making a ten foot Trade Show booth, Point of Purchase Graphic, Vinyl Banner or a Wooden Sign, a hard copy will make your job go smoother. Even if your hard copy is in Black and White it can help us catch any errors that can occur in our process. You have all ready done your work of providing your fonts (We recommend outlining fonts) and related graphics. Now we have to process your file in our RIP Software for printing. In the case of Indesign or Quark we may have to create an intermediary file like a PDF or an EPS for processing. Many things can go wrong. Fonts can sometimes can drop out or be replaced with a font of a different manufacturer. Spot colors used with transparency may yield unexpected results or even elements within you file may completely drop out. All of these things, and more, we can catch more quickly with a hard copy. With most jobs we recommend getting an approval print, but a hard copy can help avoid a second approval, saving you valuable time and money.

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