Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Facts on Fonts

When submitting a file to Bokland Custom Visuals that contains text for large format graphic output, there are steps you can take to insure that your project is completed on time and to your expectations. Providing us with all the fonts used is one step. Also, many graphic applications allow fonts to be converted to outlines. Whenever possible, providing files with fonts converted to outlines is the safest way to go. Once you convert all fonts to outlines it is no longer necessary to provide us with the fonts used.

Here are some application specific suggestions:

Indesign: Provide a complete copy of all fonts used or provide the indesign file to us with fonts converted to outlines.

Illustrator: Provide a complete copy of all fonts used or provide the Illustrator (ai) file or eps file to us with fonts converted to outlines.

Quark:  Provide a complete copy of all fonts used.

Photoshop: Provide all fonts used or provide a flattened tiff file. Once your file is flattened, it is no longer necessary to provide fonts.

Indesign, Illustrator and Quark all have a "collect" or "collect for output" option available which will collect all the fonts used as well as linked files. Using this option is the best way to collect all the elements of your layout.

Whenever possible to convert all fonts to outlines, this is the preferable option.

Considering issues with fonts on your next large format printing job will potentially speed your project along and make your next exhibit, trade show or Point of Purchase project a success!

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